2012 USA Best Book Awards Finalist | Eric Hoffer Award Finalist | Montaigne Medal Finalist
The 21st Century sees a return of the totalitarian horrors that once caused genocide and World War. Big Brother is ascendant, aided by technology. Everyone is watched. Liberty has been traded for safety and both are lost.
Personal privacy has been stolen and must be recovered. Young scientist WILLIAM GILES fights for freedom.
He and his dad, IRON JOHN, a retired Special Ops Colonel, establish Cybertech. It sells security protection for private citizens. When John is abducted and presumed dead, Cybertech is attacked from all sides. Will stands alone, tortured by remorse and falsely accused. With all he loves at risk, he runs for safety, fleeing wrongful charges, and relentlessly pursued by UN paramilitary forces.
A former student REBECCA RIDER is sent to get him to shelter. She rescues him in the high mountains. Their main allies are the Yakuza and her friends, an ancient cult that possesses advanced science. Both groups seek Cybertech’s technology. How can either be trusted?
Can Will find redemption? Can he and Becky save Cybertech and prevent his technology from being stolen? Can liberty survive? That’s the story, a Hero’s Journey framed against a background of exotic locations, edgy science, societal challenges, and Global Governance.
Thrillers are fiction . . . until it happens.

“You’re in the first row of a slowly climbing rollercoaster. Behind you, closing fast, are the American President and his enforcers, assisted by UN Peace Forces and a powerful foreign government—all bent on your annihilation and that of your technology. Then prepare for a dizzying plunge into a breathtaking, unexpected conclusion. It’s a ride worth taking with author John D. Trudel whose writing skills will captivate you.”
Don Bendell served as an officer in Special Forces and was in the Top Secret Phoenix Program, is a top-selling author of 26 books, with over 2,500,000 copies of his books in print. His most recent is Tracks of Hope.
“Trudel has a remarkable talent for maintaining an atmosphere of brittle tension. This, combined with an uncanny instinct for what perplexes most of us in this new tech age and its inherent threats to our privacy and our basic freedoms, makes for a gripping thriller.”
“Remember when you read your first book by an authentically professional author? This is another one of those times. John Trudel’s Privacy Wars is a unique work of sheer audacity, and is a certain winner among those who love a mystery that creates a futuristic-but-palpable synergy of international gangsters, brilliant technological acumen, the dynamics of irrational political power, and the essence of free-market societies. Don’t miss this one!”
“Privacy Wars is imaginative, interesting, and grounded in reality. As a high-technology patent lawyer, I see an accurate depiction of today’s legal and political context, and a thriller driven by plausible extrapolations of current technology and science. But this story is so much more: Good vs. Evil and Freedom vs. Tyranny, with the high-stakes conflict played out by everyday heroes in exotic settings. It’s a timeless tale of romance, humanity, and hope underpinned by archeological-fact-based legend. Highly recommended.”
“Difficult to put down. I’m half way through the book right now and enjoying it so much that I’ve just ordered two of his other books.”
“Privacy Wars: A Cybertech Thriller hit me as such a realistic storyline that it could easily be a non-fiction in the not so near future. The loss of privacy and the government intervention into the private and corporate worlds were way too real. I have a hard time focusing on reading, but this read was way too good to put down for very long. The characters were very lifelike and the descriptions were awesome. This is a definite 5-star read. It is riveting and the action lends it to someday be movie and definitely one I would love to go see. John Trudel has a winner here.”
“In Privacy Wars, John Trudel knows his audience and like a guided missile seeking the target, accurately and explosively delivers in his new book on Cybertech.”
“In Privacy Wars, John Trudel pens a Thriller that is a sure bet to grab you, carrying you along on a trip into the darker side of technological intrigue. Trudel’s characters are gritty, genuine, and vulnerable; his plots masterfully crafted. Privacy Wars will propel you into another fascinating read in the wake of last year’s God’s House.”
“John Trudel’s Privacy Wars does more than just provide plenty of entertaining reading. It issues a warning to all lovers of freedom that freedom is what we lose when we grant power to others. This thriller has elements of 1984 and Atlas Shrugged, but is replete with modern technology and high-tech-based adventure. Highly recommended!”
“Privacy Wars opens with a bang and continues to grip. I often wondered if I were reading a conspiracy satire or a future history. And I kept reading.”
“New Age Cyber-tech mixed with Truth and Politics. Pyramid’s, Smoky Mirrors, Instant Space Travel and Technology so advanced it looks like MAGIC all mixed with Political Intrigue. Mix all of that with today’s trend toward Total Government Control, a few willing to stand up and take action for change and you have a Great Novel by an Outstanding Author.”